Wow makros befehle. Just put whatever you want in a macro, slap in it a bar and affix a random keybind to it. Wow makros befehle

 Just put whatever you want in a macro, slap in it a bar and affix a random keybind to itWow makros befehle  Und wie immer, wenn Sie Vorschläge wie ein Makro

First, you need to know the basic syntax of the /cast command. von Karsten Scholz - Im aktuellen Teil unserer neuen WoW-Tipp-Reihe "Heimlichkeit und Verrat" exklusiv für Schurken befassen wir uns mit den geheimen Künsten der Makro-Kunde. com, but in this guide, we’ll teach you how to make your own. The character limit makes it so more complex macros involving weapon. A seven slots "bag" that holds the bank bags themselves. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Havoc Demon Hunter in World of. 2. B Ziele _:::. Under the Enable tab. It comes with almost everything you need to perform properly: action bars, cooldown timers, proc display, etc. /wait oder so etwas gibt der zwischen 2 Aktionen eine bestimmte “pause” einbaut so das zwischen den 2 Befehlen eine Zeit lang nichts passiert. Alt+F4 is the best bind!The Macro interface. They all look like this (swap out the “n” for the pet number). 5. #showtooltip. in OOo 1. When I got rid of a UI addon, my minimap got a lot smaller, and I can’t figure out how to change it’s size or that of my chat box. Here you’ll find the complete list of Wow macro commands, the syntax, and some notes on their usage. A Month. Recount (Preservation) is an attempt to preserve it through the 2. GSE is an advanced macro compiler for WoW. Your macro is improperly formed. Find the best gear and talents for your character. 04. Displays a list of commonly used chat commands. 03. There are 5 things that are of absolute importance to track as a Blood Death Knight. Mehr erlaubt das Spiel nach der Abschaffung der automatisierten Makro-Befehle ingame ohnehin nicht mehr. $2. The macro directs the spell to be cast at the player if the unit in the player's focus can have helpful spells cast on it and is alive. They will cast the ability on a friendly target if you have your cursor hovered over one. A ready check is a survey that is sent out to a WoW party or raid group. Updated for. #showtooltip Call Pet n /cast [nopet,nomod:ctrl]Call Pet n. 2 Arguments. 1-Button Death Coil. Damit könnt ihr die Kamera weiter von eurem Charakter weg zoomen und so mehr auf eurem Bildschirm sehen! Vielen Dank an Xyronic für den Hinweis! Wie man das Sichtfeld in Patch 9. WOW CLASSIC - PLAYLIST: KEINE FOLGEN VERPASSEN: WERDE MITGLIED AUF DEM KANAL: WoW: Einfache Makros für jedermann. Um ein Makro zu erstellen und zu nutzen, benötigst du zwei Dinge: Ein kompatibles Gerät, wie eine ROCCAT Maus oder Tastatur (oder beides) und Swarm installiert auf deinem PC. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. Erklärung zum Makro: Zeile 1: Zeigt Euch den Tooltip zu der Fähigkeit. Schließe dich rund 260. A Month. 2. Otherwise, it will center your Gorefiend's Grasp on yourself. . – Resorath. Subtlety Rogue DPS Macros and Addons — Dragonflight 10. Die einzige Möglichkeit wäre eine /castsequence, dann müsstest Du das Makro aber auch zweimal Drücken für den zweiten Teil. Post by ArgentSun Key Bindings - Raid Targeting, about 3/4 on the way down. Tags: PvE. Sie werden verwendet, von vielen Spielern in das MMORPG "World of Warcraft. von Karsten Scholz - Im WoW-Klassen-Guide für Jäger weisen wir Euch den Weg zu Stufe 85 und geben Euch wichtige Grundlagen-Informationen für einen. ”. We went into detail with our /cast command syntax guide a while back, so if you want in depth analysis feel free to read over that guide. Ich möchte ein Makro schreiben , was bewirkt das Schild der rechtschaffenhait gewirkt wird und erst weiter läuft wenn die wirkzeit abgelaufen ist. ChartObjects (i) . reloadui Reloads the user interface. Welcome to Warcraft Logs, a Web site that provides combat analysis for Blizzard's World of Warcraft MMO. InvSlot. See useful macros and user defined macros for other commands and macros. 3, Mirror image. Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10. Hey Leute willkommen zum Tutorial über die Makro Funktion in World of Warcraft, hier erfahrt ihr alles darüber welche Makros ich persönlich benutze und welch. Havoc Demon Hunter Guide. 2. 2. Hi, um es ganz kurz zu halten, ich wüsste gerne ob es ein Makro Befehl wie z. Was du möchtest, ist durch die Änderungen am Interface aber auch sowieso seit vielen Jahren nicht mehr möglich, egal ob per Makro oder Addon - unabhängig davon, ob du das in Classic oder Retail nutzen willst. These macros will let you cast your Blessing spells on party members using mouseover macros. 3. 07. The name of the item to be equipped. In this guide, we will go over the basics of macros and how to start creating your own macros in WoW! We also list the most popular macro constructions so you can build more advanced macros by yourself. I can then make a macro that, depending on what modifier key I use, will cast different shocks. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Hunter, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. Learn the Havoc Demon Hunter Rotation, Talents and best Stats with our guide for Dragonflight, Patch 10. Ä. Wenn es zu lang ist, muss man es verkürzen. Pets, and mainly your Monkeys, provide you most important abilities in terms of surviving and CC'ing. Alle alten Makros, die auf derartige Befehle zurückgreifen, sind also nicht mehr funktionsfähig. . The stance numbers each refer to a Form. /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help,nodead] [@player] Healing Surge. . They call us lazy, we call it smart. Dunkelmesser-norgannon 1. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when. Ist nicht eher ein AddOn bei dir dafür verantwortlich? Den in der Makro-Engine ist das Semikolon direkt dafür hart verdrahtet das man damit Scriptanweisungen in Makros nutzen kann um das Zeilenende zu markieren, während dessen das Komma dafür gedacht ist Listen zu nutzen. $2. Herzlich Willkommen zu WoW Classic Krieger-Makros Sammlung! Hier findest du alle wichtigen Makros für deinen Krieger in WoW Classic Ära und WoW SoD. Zum Erstellen eines Makros oder einer anderen Tastenfunktion wählen Sie aus der Liste Befehle die Option „Funktion. Stellt das Totem direkt unter die Füße des Spielers. Has worked quite well for me in both pvp and pve. At any time, you can have 120 macros that are available to all your characters on all servers within one account, and 18 other macros that are available to each specific character, for a total of 138 macros. Now, to save myself a button on my. /targetenemy – targets the nearest enemy. Guides Interface, Addons & Makros. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly. ), and the slot number containing the item, starting at 1; e. Any successive metacommands to define the icon or tooltip will be ignored. A Month. The expansion was officially revealed on April 19th, 2022, and was released on November 28th of that year. #showtooltip Blood Strike /cast Blood Strike /cast !Rune Strike /startattack /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()Discussion on Macros within the WoW Guides & Templates forum part of the World of Warcraft category. Hier habe ich dir mal eine komplette Liste erstellt. If you have a friendly target on /focus, and it will attack their target. Premium. Get Wowhead. Hallo zusammen. WoW Classic – Klassen. Most often, macros are created to use items or abilities. Get Wowhead. 2. de. Roll Templates - a method of formatting roll results in the chat, with some extra functions. BigWigs Boss Mods (BW) and its suite of addons (LittleWigs and Capping) provide comprehensive, efficient, and fully customizable encounter information including timer bars, audio and visual alerts, and specific encounter tools and resources for most types of combat in World of Warcraft including dungeons, raids, and PvP. This brings up another small window off to the side where you choose the icon and type a name for the macro. Für dieses Beispiel verwenden wir TeamFortress 2. 2. BGLoadThrottle. Simply hold shift when pressing your button to heal your pet, hold alt to heal yourself, or hold neither to use it on your target. Hey. 2. Console Window. This page attempts to document them based on the information available. If the clause value is the name of both a spell and an item that at some. Zeile 2: Schaltet die Errormeldung aus falls Runenstoß nicht verfügbar ist. Das ist nur per Addon möglich und auch dann nur für Aktionen, die kein Hardware-Event (d. Welcome to Wowhead's Shadow Priest DPS TBC Macro Guide, updated for of Burning Crusade Classic. Arguments. Zu den Makro Slash befehlen gehören die folgenden: / Say (/ s) / Flüstern (/ w, / talk, / t) / Antwort (/ r) / Emote (/ e, / em, / me) / Tanz. This set of console variable can be changed using script macros. Herzlich Willkommen zu WoW Classic Druiden-Makros Sammlung! Hier findest du alle wichtigen Makros für deinen Druiden in WoW Classic Ära und WoW SoD. This macro allows for 1 button shifting between travel and combat for feral druids. 2. . Premium. You can type a command in the text box and the console will output the results. 0 TBC 2. Get Wowhead. Stats are a key component when customizing your Affliction Warlock in World of Warcraft--having the right combination of them can be crucial to your performance. Dazu wird zwischen Slashbefehl und Fähigkeit in eckigen Klammern "@UNITID". Makros im allgemeinen Bereich (36 Plätze) können von jedem eurer Charaktere benutzt werden, Makros im Charakterspezifischen Bereich (18 Plätze) nur vom aktuellen Charakter. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Feral Druid, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. This makes your gameplay a lot more fluid and reactive. Examples: /petattack [target=target] This will tell your pet to target your target's target (e. Just put whatever you want in a macro, slap in it a bar and affix a random keybind to it. 5h probieren und suchen, ist das hier mein letzte Chance. absent agree amaze angry,mad apologize,sorry%applaud,applause,bravo arm+attacktarget awe backpack badfeeling,bad bark bashful beckon%beg bite blame blank. Complete Guide on How to Create Macros in World of Warcraft. Natürlich kann ein einfacher Emote-Befehl Ihrem Spiel ein Rollenspiel-Gefolge verleihen, aber nicht mehr. Hey fellas, just a quick question regarding a macro to use for bunch of mounts. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! A curated collection of the best Macros and Addons for your Discipline Priest. Programmieren von Makros in der Software. ) /petattack [target=focustarget] This will tell your pet to target your focus' target (e. Makros können komplexere Aufgaben übernehmen, eine ganze Reihe von Zaubern auslösen, Texte ausspucken und vieles mehr. g. Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10. Addons are an important part of WoW Classic, but are not intuitive to install. Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! A curated collection of the best Macros and Addons for your Holy Priest. 2. Sub Resize_Charts () Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To ActiveSheet. The following slash commands are available: Slash Command. So programmieren Sie Makros direkt in der Logitech Gaming Software: Klicken Sie auf das Spielprofil, das Sie bearbeiten möchten. Using two lines to do what you can do with 1 line isn’t best practice. This guide will provide a list of recommended addons, weakauras, and macros for your class and role, as well as advice for the best addons to increase your effectiveness in raids and dungeons. Pets. 3. Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10. Either by typing it directly into the world console window. 19. de. BGLoadThrottle. 1. In diesem Video zeige ich euch, wie ihr in 3 einfache Makros erstellen könnt, die euren DPS tatsächlich verbessern können. Join the discussion and share your own macros for druid. ), and the bag slot number, starting at 1. SOLIDWORKS enables macro creation in 3 popular. 12. Intuitive interface and detailed options, Decursive is suitable for simple usage and power users. Während Ihres Spiels werden Sie wahrscheinlich nicht viele Slash-Befehle schreiben, die für Makros nützlich sein könnten. Some of the most important macros in PvP are focus cast macros. A macro is a list of slash commands. Andrew Pitonyak Latest Macro Guide. Wie schön wäre es, wenn es eine. Most often, macros are created to use items or abilities. August 2023 um 21:19. Runes and runic power can be tracked well with just the base UI. Mouseover Macros, Player Macros, Focus Target Macros, Shif. You can also use "#showtooltip Heroic Strike" for example in a macro where maybe the first spell isn't heroic strike but that's the tool tip you want. Premium. Generic Macros for Paladins. Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10. ChartObjects. Leider ist die Bildqualität nicht so berauschend g. jMorph - tMorph Morpher Recreated. ) benötigen. Under the Appearance tab. Update 20. If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. /script -Befehle an sich. . Get Wowhead. Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! A curated collection of the best Macros and Addons for your Beast Mastery Hunter. A Month. ---- tank pulls---. General Macros. Divínë-frostmourne October 21, 2020, 2:22pm 1. For ease of use with many of these commands, press O while in game to open the Macros window. . Simple WoW Macro Guide for Beginners. This set of console variable can be changed using script macros. For this example, we'll use Team Fortress 2. so aus: Code: MACRO 100 "love u" INV_Misc_QuestionMark ♥ U END. Death and Decay. 1. Hardcore Priest Class Overview. This macro allows you to use Gorefiend's Grasp to grip adds on top of your focus target. After 2 seconds from the first press, the macro will reset, so it will cast Curse of Pain again. dll) anywhere ( ie desktop/iMorph ) Run the . google. Making a simple custom emote requires a two-line macro; one line to play the animation without the default text, and a second line that displays your new custom text: /thumbsup motion /em gives a thumbs up. 08/07/2005 - World of Warcraft - 4 Replies. Das trifft nur auf einige wenige Befehle überhaupt zu, bspw. It also displays most Basic datatypes. Runes. Die Befehle für Pulltimer werden normalerweise von Bossmods (DBM, BigWigs) oder ähnlichen Addons (bspw. Every command used without a parameter (payload) returns the current setting. Finally, at the bottom you have a number of self-explanatory buttons. Stats are a key component when customizing your Restoration Druid in World of Warcraft--having the right combination of them can be crucial to your performance. If the icon was already specified by a previous #show, then this command is ignored entirely, including tooltips (the tooltip always shows the name of the macro). Commands are the first part of the Wow macro syntax: Die Erstellung von Makros in WoW bietet eine effektive Möglichkeit, deine Spielerfahrung zu personalisieren und deine Aktionen zu optimieren. Andelran-sargeras. Mit dem Grundwissen, wie überhaupt Fähigkeiten benutzt werden, geht es einen Schritt weiter: Makros können Fähigkeiten auf ein bestimmtes Ziel wirken, ohne das Target zu ändern. e. Arguments. Syntax: /command [conditional] parameter; [conditional] parameter Conditionals are. I can then make a macro that, depending on what modifier key I use, will cast different shocks. Arguments. The bag the item is in (0 is backpack, etc. CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. You can help the Final Fantasy XIV Wiki by expanding it. 3. Droptimizer. The bag the item is in (0 is backpack, etc. 10. g. She was one of five great dragons chosen by the titans to be empowered with a portion of the Pantheon's power and rule over her flight while they watched over Azeroth and its inhabitants. 2. WoW-Guide: Der Krieger - Makros & Addon-Tipps. A macro is a list of slash commands. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Rogue addons and macros. 2023. World of Warcraft Classic macros added. Whether you're looking for specialized DPS. . Add a new waypoint at 14. ). This macro will cast "Healing Surge" on your mouseover target if it is a friendly and alive unit. It is most commonly used to view damage per second and healing per second numbers when in instanced PvE or PvP such as raids or arenas, but has many other features and uses. Gear Compare. The World of Warcraft API, or WoW API, is a set of Lua functions and facilities provided by the Blizzard WoW Client, to allow interaction with the World of Warcraft and its user interface. From there in the 'Enter Macro Commands' window, you can wire your Macro to your demands. Klickt nun auf "Neu", und es öffnet sich ein Fenster in dem ihr einen Namen eingeben (mindestens ein Zeichen lang, mehrere Makros können den selben. This macro guide will help you get the most out of when and how to use wow macro commands in customizing your own macros for Wow. Details! Damage Meter is a popular addon that tracks information and statistics about a combat encounter in World of Warcraft. So nehmen Sie ein Makro auf: Öffnen Sie eine Tabelle in Google Tabellen. Stance Number. Macro for Wow: Startattack for Rogues. Öffnen Sie auf dem Computer eine Tabelle unter sheets. #showtooltip /cast Heroic Throw /cast Charge (Rank 3) /cast Shield Block /rw charging %t. Und zwar wollte ich zwei Fähigkeiten auf einer Taste soweit so gut, aber ich möchte das so, dass mein Makro auf die fähigkeit springt die von der Abklingzeit fertig ist. The Macros for WoW Arena PvP guide by Bolt provides a comprehensive look at every type of macro you'd possibly need for PvP,. This is a game-changer for spells like Blizzard, Efflorescence, Heroic Leap and the like. ) Key: * does nothing + has sound % has unique animation @ only when mounted; varies by mount 1. Building your dream UI (User. Makros haben ihr eigenes Untermenü im Hauptmenü. Hunters have 5 pet slots and the way I'd recommend you use them is having 4 Monkeys and a Cat/Lion or a Wolf for buffing. /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead] []Power. Ich dachte mir mal,ich mache so nen hübschen Thread,wo wir unsre Makros sammeln könnten! Makro´s: Hier das Makro für Priester,um auf sich selber Powerword:Shield zu casten,ohne SelfCast oder sich selber erstmal anklicken zu müssen,gut in Stress-PvP-Situationen^^. c) Werkzeugkasten Makro (Befehl: -WERKZEUGKASTEN ZEICHNUNGSREIHENFOLGE) Für den Befehl gibt es bereits einen vordefinierten Kurzbefehl: REA. When you login as a GM account, either newly created or an upgraded existing. Nach nun ca. Nun kannst du im "Enter Macro Commands" Fenster die Befehle ändern. Since playing here I have enjoyed writing macros with the freedom that the Vanilla WoW API affords. So. Warcraft Logs is a community website which uses in-game combat logs to created detailed analytics which measure both group and individual player performance, in the form of damage and healing dealt and taken, buff and debuff uptime, player and NPC positioning, and much more, through the use of detailed charts, graphs, and encounter. B. Hallo an alle, mein Makro für den Schinderschuss und das Schlangengift hier funktioniert nur sporadisch, in der Trockenübung an der Puppe dagegen immer. While not true tanks they are able to utilize a shield to grow considerably tankier. I had no memory editing experience prior to the last week. If the clause value is the name of both a spell and an item that at some. Basicly without your lovely monkey you are useless. We strongly recommend that you get this addon and our forum moderator Pandacho has written a quick configuration guide for it. In World of Warcraft gibt es mittlerweile unzählige Chatbefehle die du eingeben kannst. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Priest addons and macros. forums. 7, written by Faithy. Der Name des Makros ist über der Maus- bzw. I’ve bolded the ones I’ve found useful in making Wow macros. Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10. geht das als Makro ? um dem Tank das entfernen von Stacks zu erleichtern oder wenn er mal stirbt. . 1 zur sechsten Erweiterung World of Warcraft. 2. At any time, you can have 120 macros that are available to all your characters on all servers within one account, and 18 other macros that are available to each specific character, for a total of 138 macros. 2. . Frost Mage DPS Macros and Addons — Dragonflight 10. Coagulopathy / Icy Talons. Dazu wird zwischen Slashbefehl und Fähigkeit in eckigen Klammern "@UNITID" (auch. Erlebe die Seite ohne Werbung, schalte Premium-Funktionen frei und unterstütze sie! Wir freuen uns, einen neuen Guide für Max-Level-Spieler zu. For my pet management, this: I have five macros all named exactly “Call Pet 1”, “Call Pet 2”, “Call Pet 3”, “Call Pet 4”, and “Call Pet 5”. Doctorio ist fast täglich live auf T. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit;Makros können in WoW praktische Hilfen darstellen. Reference this page for lists of all common VBA Commands & Syntax. Feral druids who spend most of their time fighting as a cat, but switch to bear when extra armor or health are needed, may find this useful. Tastendruck, Mausklick, etc. For full Macro API help. - /say ( um etwas zu sagen ) - /use ( um etwas zu benutzen ) - /cast ( um einen skill zu nutzen ) - /invite ( Spielereinladung ) Die Nutzung der Sprache. Klicken Sie oben auf Tools Makros Makro aufnehmen. Get Wowhead. Recount is a graphical damage meter written by Cryect. Expand user menu Open settings menu. Die Grundlagen von WoW Makros. This message cannot be seen by other PCs, and will not be displayed if [Tell] is deselected in the chat filter. ps . HOWTOs. 2. On GCode machines, the console window allows you to directly input commands and see messages from the controller itself. To use a slash command, enter its name preceded by a slash, and followed by any parameters the command takes into the chat box (for example, /say Hello Azeroth! ). Updated for Dragonflight Patch 10. Die Gesten und Emotes bei World of Warcraft sind ein echter Klassiker. To create a macro, click the New button at the bottom of the window. The bag the item is in (0 is backpack, etc. Benutze aktuell bei meinem DK zwei Makros auf zwei verschiedenen Tasten (inkl. At any time, you can have 120 macros that are available to all your characters on all servers within one account, and 18 other macros that are available to each specific character, for a total of 138 macros. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Havoc Demon Hunter in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. Es geht zwar wenn es ein Fokus Ziel gibt aber. General Information. Furthermore, the user interface supplies full real-time updates for the currently stored focus, including health and mana updates. It looks like this #showtooltip /cast [@cursor] Flamestrike. ), and the slot number containing the item, starting at 1; e. If this is intended, I think this is an amazing accessibility feature for WoW! This method will work for any spell that has a Reticle targeting system! Step 1: Set Self-Cast Button In the Interface menu, head to the Combat tab. $2. Dies beinhaltet Mouseover-Macros und Makros für alle Rollen, die der Jäger in WoW Classic übernehmen kann. Jackie-das-syndikat. :::_. edit: Wow, this is a super necro. To transfer addon settings, you need to copy WTF\Account\<accountnumber>\SavedVariables\<addonname>. Remove Buff - UI and Macro - World of Warcraft ForumsThe macro will only select the player himself if no other targets match the given name. Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Hunter Classic Macro Guide, updated for WoW Classic. $2. #showtooltip /cast [@"Tank"] Misdirection. Visit Andrew Pitonyak's web page to get the latest PDF and ODT files of his book. Makro1: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Todesgriff; Todesgriff; Makro2: #showtooltip /cast. 1 Temporary targeting. Easy Mode Builds and Talents Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Stat Priority Gems, Enchants, and Consumables Gear and Best in Slot Mythic+. The bag the item is in (0 is backpack, etc. Simples, aber wichtiges Makro zum Unterbrechen für Heiler und Eles, damit die Unterbrechung sofort und nicht erst nach Beendigung des aktuellen Casts kommt: /stopcasting. Much of this article was written by Cogwheel (WoWInterface user Cogwheel). Daher wollt ich das ganze auch mal Ausprobieren. Previously a guide writer for Affliction Warlock in. LibreOffice and OpenOffice. . If the clause value is the name of both a spell and an item that at some. April 2020 um 11:29 #3. those that are currently drawn-in. Das ist das bisherige Ergebnis. This macro guide will help you get the most out of when and how to use wow macro commands in customizing your own macros for Wow. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Shadow Priest in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. Will rollover in case of underflow or overflow. Okay, I have two macros set up for burst. If you have any macros that use these variables, let us know! SET variableName “value”. 78 23. /cast [target=focus] Verwüstung /cast Verwüstung. Druide-Makros. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. X-Ray Basic macro is displaying API objects and is exploring their content. You’ll find lots of mouseover macros here at Macro-Wow. Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: /target – target an enemy, friendly player or npc.